PODCAST: The Vast of Night (feat. Tessa Scott) [Movie Robcast]

Episode 93 of The Movie Robcast sees our intrepid Robs looking to the skies to discuss The Vast of Night, now streaming on Amazon Prime.

On this quest they are joined once again by Tessa Scott, back after a triumphant appearance on the Whiplash episode.

The trio give their verdict on Andrew Patterson’s debut, a glorious evocation of 50s sci-fi wonder and paranoia. They discuss the influence of The Twilight Zone, what impressed them and much more.

Rob Wallis also took one for the team and watched Artemis Fowl, the fell-at-the-starting-line wannabe franchise starter that has slunk out on to Disney+.

Stay safe, and watch good movies!

Author: robertmwallis

Graduate of Royal Holloway and the London Film School. Founder of Of All The Film Sites; formerly Of All The Film Blogs. Formerly Film & TV Editor of The Metropolist and Official Sidekick at A Place to Hang Your Cape. Co-host of The Movie RobCast podcast (formerly Electric Shadows) and member of the Online Film Critics Society.

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