REVIEW: The Father

The Father is an immaculate depiction of a man’s descent into dementia that is all the more harrowing for its formality.

Eighty-year-old Anthony (Anthony Hopkins) owns a stately flat in Maida Vale where has lived for many years. He’s charming but irascible, increasingly prone to outbursts of vitriol; like the one that has driven his latest carer to quit.…

PODCAST: Greenland & News of the World [Movie RobCast]

It’s been a minute since our last episode so #110 is a bumper wrap-up of what the Robs have been watching.

First, the shocking revelation that Gerard Butler has made a good movie with end-of-days disaster movie Greenland, currently available on Amazon Prime.…

REVIEW: Willy’s Wonderland

For most actors, the switch to straight-to-VOD still feels like a step down. Even now, there’s something about the big screen that seems to promise a sort of immortality not guaranteed by the vagaries of streaming service algorithms.

Not so with Nicolas Cage, for whom acting seems to be an endearing mix of day-job professionalism and performative insanity.…


Did you ever watch that episode of Malcolm in the Middle with the monkey butler and think, “This, but a feature version with General Zod as an anthropology professor and a young Elisabeth Shue”?

If so, I firstly applaud the specificity of your tastes and, secondly, boy, have I got some news for you.…