Rob Daniel & Rob Wallis touch the sore tooth that is Oscar nominations 2019.
They discuss the insanity, or at least inanity, of nominating Bohemian Rhapsody for Best Picture, and how safe the Best Picture nods are in general. They’re happy Spike Lee finally has his Best Director nomination, and acknowledge a few other things the Academy got right.
But, the two Robs mainly lament the omissions. No Best Actor nom for Ethan Hawke in First Reformed? No Mary Poppins Returns in Best Picture? Not a single nod for Mission: Impossible – Fallout?
As Rob Wallis points out, this is the first time the Golden Globes got more nominations right than the Oscars. A sobering state of affairs…
And we haven’t even talked about the major omission. What was the brilliant, compassionate, devastating film released in 2018 that has not received a single Oscar nomination?
Listen on to find out… and to hear Rob Daniel say the “f-word” a lot.
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iTunes Podcast: The Electric Shadows Podcast