REVIEW DOUBLE BILL: American Made & The Limehouse Golem

American Made

Scarface, 1932 and ‘83. Goodfellas. The Wolf of Wall Street. War Dogs. American Made is just the latest film to take aim at the dark, opportunistic side of the American dream.

“Based on a true story”, as such films generally are, American Made is the story of Barry Seal, a pilot extraordinaire turned TWA lifer, recruited by the CIA in 1978.…

Noah will have you in floods (of something)


When you think of marketable movie types, you probably think rom-com or superhero movie.

It’s unlikely your mind would go straight to Biblical epic. Cinematic tales of lions, Christians, and Roman arenas went out with Cecil B. DeMille.

Then again, to those long awaiting a resurgence, Darren Aronofsky is certainly a promising choice of director.…