REVIEW: Halloween (2018)

Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the suburbs…

In 1978, the world was affected by a trauma so great that it still continues to resonate today.  I’m talking, of course, about John Carpenter’s original Halloween – a sui generis slasher movie  that has inspired eight sequels and a reboot (plus sequel), and now a reboot-sequel that ignores the sequels and the reboot (plus sequel).…

It Follows is a brilliant, terrifying paean to the Carpenter tradition


Is there any genre that has defined a decade as much as horror defined the ‘80s – and visa versa, of course

From The Thing to Day of the Dead, they brought psychological insight to a form otherwise defined by B-movie schlock.…

The Guest is worth leaving home for

David Collins, Dan Stevens’ character in Adam Wingard’s new thriller, The Guest, would be about as far removed as you can image from Matthew Crawley, the agreeable young gentleman he played in Downton Abbey.

Well, apart from the issues of manners: David is faultlessly polite, overflowing with “Sirs” and “Ma’ams”, even while bringing destruction down upon the heads of the Peterson clan.…