The Movie Robcast reaches its 80th episode, so we have a fittingly bumper show in store, opening with a tribute to the late, great Terry Jones, who died on 21st January 2020, aged 77 after a long battle with dementia. The two Robs were raised on Life of Brian so have words of praise for the Python polymath.…
Tag: Michael Bay
Transformers: The Last Knight owes fealty to every major blockbuster in recent history
A barbarian horde swarms across a green-gray hillscape, their cries rending the air.
The earth is torn beneath their feet and the hooves of horses.
Sword meets sword; shield, shield.
Balls of fire envelop the unfortunate and unwary.
A small band in steel breastplates prepare to renew the charge against overwhelming odds.…
Michael Bay’s Pain & Gain might actually be worth the effort of watching…
Before we see anything, before even the whirling stars of the Paramount logo form their triumphant arc above the idealized mountain peak, we hear the agonized grunts and yells of a man indulging in brutal self-abuse.
Then comes the money shot: Mark Wahlberg doing full-body sit-ups from a leg rest halfway up a twenty-foot billboard of an Atlas-like figure pumping iron.…