Ghostbusters: don’t fear the reboot


Has any film provoked as big a backlash before its release as the new Ghostbusters?

Sure, Batman V Superman wasn’t exactly eagerly awaited  — not least on this very site (and associated podcast) — but it seemed no sooner had this film been announced than the Internet rose up and declared, “Ain’t no bitches gonna hunt no ghosts” (actual quote).…

RIPD is the cinematic equivalent of being in limbo

“Say what you want about the tenets of The Lone Ranger, dude, at least it’s an ethos.”

RIPD, the newest big-budget adaptation of an obscure comic book series, sounds like a concept being sold on its title. Based on the trailer, it looks like a hodgepodge of Men In Black and Ghostbusters, but fails to be much more than derivative schlock.